Core Values
We expect all teachers to interact and teach our students by following the way that our Prophet (PBUH) did and to adhere to our key values. He taught us that in order to nurture Imaan in our children; we must first build…
About Us
Al-Bayyinah School is a non-profit organisation with over 200 students and 50 staff members. It has served the local and wider community since March 2012. Three core subjects of Quran, Islamic Studies and Arabic, are taught in the school. Its core purpose is to please Allah (SWT) and provide a high standard of Islamic educational to our students. The school offers a happy and vibrant Islamic environment for learning through dedication and teamwork.

Our children learn about Islam in a nurturing and creative way. Instead of referring to good and bad actions; we refer to “things Allah (SWT) would be pleased with and things he would not
be pleased with”
We instill the love of Islam by showing them the beauty of our religion. When we teach about Jannah, we become excited about how it is a place where you can have whatever you want but to get there we have to walk along the righteous path.
We teach our children to live as practicing and productive Muslims. Wherever possible, we relate everything to Allah’s (SWT) creation and provision of Allah (SWT) which helps the children to develop Taqwa from a young age.
How to Apply
Islamic doctrine and practice permeate every aspect of the School’s activity. It is essential that the Islamic character of the school’s education is supported by all families in the School.
School Life
This section contains information regarding arrival rules, modes of communication between parents and teachers, food, dress code and first aid procedures.
Our Values

It runs through the very thread of our school for all regardless of people’s faith, background and cultures and respect for our environment and all of humanity.
Al-Bayyinah instills honesty, integrity, compassion, piety and good manners into all our students to extend into not only their deen but all aspects of their life.
We insist that knowledge must be applied for it to have benefit, therefore a lesson about kindness is proceeded by a homework do a good deed towards your neighbors.
Al-Bayyinah expects our students to strive to do their best in everything that they do, big or small, as “Verily Allah (SWT) loves proficiency in all things” [Muslim].
It runs through the very thread of our school for all regardless of people’s faith, background and cultures and respect for our environment and all of humanity.
Al-Bayyinah expects our students to strive to do their best in everything that they do, big or small, as “Verily Allah (SWT) loves proficiency in all things” [Muslim].
We insist that knowledge must be applied for it to have benefit, therefore a lesson about kindness is proceeded by a homework do a good deed towards your neighbors.
Al-Bayyinah instills honesty, integrity, compassion, piety and good manners into all our students to extend into not only their deen but all aspects of their life.
Early years
Our Early Years caters for children from the age of four to six. Our aim for the Early Years is to develop the Islamic character and habits of the children and to build…
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Primary years
Our Primary Years looks after the children from the age of 7-10 years. Our aim for the primary years is to develop children’s Islamic knowledge and understanding…
Secondary years
In Secondary, we teach students from the age of 11 to 18. Our primary objective is to prepare the students for the challenges that affect our youth living in modern times.
Verulam School, Brampton Rd, St Albans, Herts, AL1 4PR, UK