School life


Arriving At School
• Children should arrive at school by 9.55am at the latest.
• Doors will be open from 9.45 and children should come straight into their classrooms. Initially parents may want to accompany them but for older children, we would expect this to be just for the initial induction period.
• As no members of staff are on duty in the playground before school, children must not play on any of the school equipment.
• No children should be left unaccompanied in the playground before school starts either.

Late Arrival
If a child arrives after 10.15am, they will be required to wait with their parent until the first break in order to join their class, in order to minimize disruption to the class.

Contacting the School

• If you need to contact the school you should phone: 07778 799 699
• You can also use e-mail by writing to

Contacting the Class Teacher

It is not possible for the teachers to answer individual phone calls during the
school day. If you leave a message with the office staff, they will pass it onto the Class Teacher as soon as he or she is available.

First thing in the morning, when the teachers are trying to meet, greet and take the children into school is not the best time for detailed discussion. If you need to talk to your child’s teacher please arrange to see them at the end of the day or give them a note in the morning, if it is something simple such as changes in collection routines.

Arranging to see the Head teacher

• The Head teacher is usually available to meet parents first thing in the morning.
• Appointments can be made either directly with the Head teacher or by speaking to the office staff who will help wherever possible.
• He can also be contacted via e-mail, at

Complaints Procedure

If at any time you have a complaint or concern about any aspect of school life please do not hesitate to let us know. The school cannot investigate and if necessary, take action unless they are aware of the concerns.

The class teacher is the first point of contact, but the Head teacher is always willing to see individual parents if there is a concern and will take it back to the class teacher if appropriate.

Packed Lunches

• Children bringing food from home to eat at lunchtime should bring them to school in an appropriate sealed container. This should be clearly named.
• We would encourage you to provide a healthy balanced lunch in support of our healthy eating policy.
• We would request that drinks in packed lunch boxes are in spill proof containers which can be opened by your child independently. No fizzy drinks or glass bottles please.
• If your child forgets to bring lunch from home we will give them something from the School Canteen, but we will of course have to ask you to pay for it.

Drinks During Lesson Time

• We are all more aware of the importance of drinking enough fluids during the day and its impact on learning.
• On a daily basis, children are encouraged to bring a named, sports type bottle filled with water, for use in the classroom.
• These can be refilled during the day from the drinking water taps. However, they should be taken home over night for cleaning and sanitation.
• Children should not bring squash, juice or fizzy drinks. Still flavored water is acceptable.
• There are bottle carriers in each classroom for the drinks to be put in.

There is no specific uniform required. All students are encouraged to dress within Islamic guidelines. Older girls i.e above 13 should be dressed in loose clothing and are encouraged to wear hijaab. Our main aim is for children to feel welcome at the school and hope through encouragement, learning and understanding they will choose to adopt the Islamic dress code voluntarily.

For safety and security, please do not send your child into school wearing jewelry.

The only earrings that children should wear in school are simple studs.

This document sets out the procedure to use in the event of medical emergencies, which may require first aid or medical treatment. This is to ensure that anyone taken ill or injured whilst on the premises is dealt with speedily and effectively.

It is the responsibility of staff to contact a 1st aider if medical attention is required.
1st Aiders are responsible for:-
• Responding promptly to calls for their help in medical emergencies or when an accident has occurred and calling for an ambulance if necessary.
• Carrying out necessary first aid in accordance with protocols covered in their training.
• Ensuring that a record is made of any injury accident events they attend in an Accident Book.
• Ensuring first aid boxes regularly checked and re-stocked if necessary.

In the event of a medical emergency the following steps should be taken
• Staff present at the scene should assess the situation,
• If medical attention is required a 1st aider should be contacted.
• In the event that the emergency is serious an ambulance should be called for before contacting a 1st aider.
• If a 1st aider cannot be found, reception should be contacted.

Numbers to contact 1st Aiders can be found on Health and Safety Policy and should be given to each member of staff so they are able to get help in the event of an emergency.