Our main aim is to please Allah (swt) and abide by the law of the land. This is the focus of our work at the School. We must feel that we are accountable for all that we teach, and so therefore everything should be done to the best of our ability.
Our emphasis is on rewards to reinforce good behaviour, showing children that good behaviour is valued. The commonest reward is praise, informal and formal, to groups and individuals, in classrooms, assemblies, playgrounds and in corridors.
Behaviour in the Classroom
Good behaviour is an essential part of effective teaching and learning. At the School we believe that everybody has the right to work in an environment that is safe, friendly, peaceful and fair. Good behaviour must be carefully developed and supported. High self-esteem promotes good behaviour along with effective learning and positive relationships. It is important to reward success and potential and give praise for effort and achievement, rather than focusing on shortcomings and failure. Encouraging and developing responsibility for own behaviour is also an important part of effective teaching and learning.
• To work consistently and fairly in the positive management of behaviour
• To help our children develop into caring and thoughtful people who respect and value the feelings, opinions, beliefs, property and differences of others, through the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah.
• To develop the students self discipline.
• To encourage the students to co-operate with each other and adults in the school.
• To create a positive and stimulating learning environment, having high expectations of children’s work and behaviour.
• To work alongside parents to encourage our children to develop socially, personally, academically, morally and spiritually in preparation for a positive role in society.
• Rewards such as:-
• stickers and sticker charts
• Captain badges
• Good news notes
• Certificates
• Prizes
• Positive comments in books or on work
• Informing parents
• Recognition of good work in end of year assemblies, school reports, and parties, i.e. Eid parties
• Giving children responsibilities
When a child forgets a classroom or whole school rule, or breaks it on purpose, sanctions will be used fairly and consistently. It is important to continue to reward and encourage a child for their good behaviour.
Unacceptable behaviour is recorded in categorised books, the organisers have a book. Staff then deal with issues as needed. The school will keep clear and detailed written records of concerns about children, noting the date, event and action taken. The School will ensure all records are kept in a secure location.
Children who are repeatedly being recorded for unacceptable behaviour will be discussed with the management team.
In rare cases it may be necessary to exclude a child. For example, if the child is a danger to themselves or others and they cause damage or harm.
Physical Restraint
Physical restraint should be avoided where possible and should only occur when the child is a severe danger to themselves or others. Where possible other children /adults or breakable objects should be moved away from the child.
Why is Homework important?
Homework is valuable for the following reasons:
• It allows pupils to develop the practice of working on their own
• It allows valuable practice, reinforcement and extension of skills learned in the classroom
• It involves Parents and Carers in the pupils work
• It allows children to use alternative resources that are not always readily available in school
• It reinforces the Home-School partnership
The nature of Homework
Homework may not always involve a written task but will include the following:
• Reading – This is of great importance
• Learning duas and Arabic words – Parents are asked to help their child in this very important task
The nature of Homework for the Early Years- Years 1&2
• Memorisation- This is the prime age at which children can easily memorise the Quran and many dua’s. Our focus at this stage will therefore not be on reading but on memorising Surah’s from the Holy Quran as well as many duas. Our aim is to help children memorise most of the 30th Juzz before they progress onto year 3. This is only possible if what they have learnt in school is constantly revised and memorised at home. Parents are asked to listen to their children and encourage them to memorise as much as possible
• Practical tasks- Children will also be given practical tasks to implement lessons they may have learnt in school. For example, they may have to complete a chart showing how many kind deeds they did that week
How does the School help Pupils organise their Homework?
• Each pupil is allocated a homework log/diary
• Teachers give clear instructions to the children as to what needs to be done and expectations for each activity
• Teachers will respond to and mark children’s homework regularly and in a way that is helpful to pupils
How can Parents and Carers help with Homework?
• Check that pupil’s record adequate information and deadlines into homework logs/diaries and sign them to state that you have seen that the work is completed
• Help your child to organise his or her time so that deadlines can be met even in the face of a busy week
• Try to ensure suitably quiet working conditions at home, with suitable equipment and space to work
• Take a positive and active interest in your child’s homework rather than merely insisting that it is done as this can lead to conflict
• Let us know if there are any problems with homework so that the class teacher can assist
Failure to hand in Homework
• We expect homework to be given in on time; this teaches children to work to deadlines and facilitates staff with their marking workload
• If Homework is not given in on time the following actions will take place:
• Discussion between pupil and teacher to assess why the homework has not been handed in on time
• A ‘grace’ will be given, one grace per child will be allowed every term
• Children in the Upper School will receive a morning break detention, in which they will make a start on the homework that was missed
• Homework missed due to absence on the date it was set will be required to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and not by the original deadline
Year Group Homework Guidelines
Early Years:
Memorising: Children should spend an average of 10 minutes a day practising the Surah or verses they learnt in class. Practical exercises to implement what they have learnt.
Upper School:
Reading: children should read to their Parents or Carers or, if they are fluent readers, read on their own for at least 10 to 20 minutes a day.
Homework plays a valuable part in a child’s education by:
• offering the opportunity to develop the self discipline needed for independent learning and the development of study skills
• enabling access to sources of information and ideas not always available in the classroom
• reinforcing and extending skills acquired in class
• involving the home in supporting and understanding the nature of the work done in school and appreciating the achievements of the children
Homework set should:
• form an integral part of curriculum planning supporting progression in learning
• relate clearly to work done in class
• involve a range of tasks which includes reading, which should be undertaken regularly
• consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding, particularly in literacy and numeracy – science and other subjects will be added to the programme as the children move through the school
• be appropriate to the ability of the child
• be consistent across the Year Group
• be progressive in quantity and quality through the school.
Upper School students will be expected to undertake about one and a half hours of homework a week
Pupils should:
• record work set in their homework book
• complete homework and return it
• seek help from class teacher/parent/homework if it is needed
Teachers should:
• have high expectations of pupils completing homework
• explain homework clearly in class
• give prompt and clear feedback on completed homework
Parents should:
• read and sign the homework book on a regular basis
• encourage the development of study skills by organising a reasonably peaceful place for their children to do their homework
• give appropriate support with their child’s homework – the involvement of parents and carers in joint activities is valuable in promoting children’s learning
• support the school by valuing the homework set, explaining to their children how it can help the learning process and encouraging timely completion
• discuss any difficulties encountered with the class teacher
• make a note in the homework book if exceptional circumstances have prevented homework being completed
Employees will ensure that:
• They follow the government guidelines for ‘Every Child Matters’. To:
1. be healthy
2. stay safe
3. enjoy and achieve
4. make a positive contribution
5. achieve economic well-being
• They will strive to adhere to the Quran and Sunnah
• They will provide a positive Islamic environment for students to study and socialise
• Students achieve their full potential as a valued member of the Al-Bayyinah school community
• They provide a balanced curriculum and meet the individual needs of the student
• They achieve high standards of work and behaviour through building good relationships and developing a sense of responsibility
• They will keep you informed about general school matters and student’s progress
• Annual reports will be produced and continuous assessment will be undertaken
• They will be open and welcoming and offer opportunities for members to become involved in the school
• They will be available to discuss any concerns or issues you may have regarding the school and make you aware of any concerns they may have
• They are DBS checked, and the safety of pupils will take precedence in accordance with the school’s safeguarding policy
•They will adhere to Islamic dress code
• They will follow Al-Bayyinah policies and procedures
• They will be committed to continuing professional development
Parents agree to:
• Ensure their child attends Al-Bayyinah regularly and inform the school of any absences and/or holidays to be taken (otherwise their place may be lost, and this will incur another registration fee)
• Make sure their child arrives punctually and is collected on time
• Make sure he/she is properly equipped for lessons
• Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect their child’s work or behaviour
• Ensure all homework is completed to the best possible standards, supporting their child at all times
• Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour
• Provide a healthy filling breakfast before coming to Al-Bayyinah and a suitable snack for the break period
• Make sure that appropriate and clean clothing will be worn to Al-Bayyinah
• Inform Al-Bayyinah of any allergies their child may have
• Inform Al-Bayyinah of any Special Educational Needs their child may have
• Ensure that their child is aware that vandalism of any kind will not be tolerated, and action will be taken
• Act in a courteous way to the residents who live in close proximity to Al-Bayyinah
• Not to send their child to Al-Bayyinah if he/she is unwell
• Understand that any electronic or digital item brought into school is at the responsibility and risk of the student, not Al-Bayyinah
Parent Signature ………………………………………………. Date:
Employees will ensure that:
• They follow the government guidelines for ‘Every Child Matters’. To:
1. be healthy
2. stay safe
3. enjoy and achieve
4. make a positive contribution
5. achieve economic well-being
• They will strive to adhere to the Quran and Sunnah
• They will provide a positive Islamic environment for students to study and socialise
• Students achieve their full potential as a valued member of the Al-Bayyinah school community
• They provide a balanced curriculum and meet the individual needs of the student
• They achieve high standards of work and behaviour through building good relationships and developing a sense of responsibility
• They will keep you informed about general school matters and student’s progress
• Annual reports will be produced and continuous assessment will be undertaken
• They will be open and welcoming and offer opportunities for members to become involved in the school
• They will be available to discuss any concerns or issues you may have regarding the school and make you aware of any concerns they may have
• They are DBS checked, and the safety of pupils will take precedence in accordance with the school’s safeguarding policy
• They will adhere to Islamic dress code
• They will follow Al-Bayyinah policies and procedures
• They will be committed to continuing professional development
Parents agree to:
• Ensure their child attends Al-Bayyinah regularly and inform the school of any absences and/or holidays to be taken (otherwise their place may be lost, and this will incur another registration fee)
• Make sure their child arrives punctually and is collected on time
• Make sure he/she is properly equipped for lessons
• Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect their child’s work or behaviour
• Ensure all homework is completed to the best possible standards, supporting their child at all times
• Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour
• Provide a healthy filling breakfast before coming to Al-Bayyinah and a suitable snack for the break period
• Make sure that appropriate and clean clothing will be worn to Al-Bayyinah
• Inform Al-Bayyinah of any allergies their child may have
• Inform Al-Bayyinah of any Special Educational Needs their child may have
• Ensure that their child is aware that vandalism of any kind will not be tolerated, and action will be taken
• Act in a courteous way to the residents who live in close proximity to Al-Bayyinah
• Not to send their child to Al-Bayyinah if he/she is unwell
• Understand that any electronic or digital item brought into school is at the responsibility and risk of the student, not Al-Bayyinah
The student agree to:
• Do their utmost to behave according to Islamic manners
• Attend school regularly and on time
• Have had a healthy and filling breakfast before coming to Al-Bayyinah
• Bring all the equipment they need
• Wear appropriate clothing and be tidy in appearance
• Do all their classwork and homework to the best of their abilities and on time
• Be respectful to teachers and staff at all times
• Be polite and helpful to others, not disrupting the class and being offensive to fellow class pupils
• Keep the school free from litter and graffiti and treat the building and its contents with care
• Strive to act in a courteous manner to the residents who live in close proximity to Al-Bayyinah, being a good example, at all times
• Not intentionally harm any persons at the School through malicious words or actions
• Follow health and safety policies
Parent Signature NAME
Pupil Signature NAME